Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Who Was Norman Rockwell? by Sarah Fabiny

Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade presents talented artist – Norman Rockwell who was an artist best known for covers of the Saturday Evening Post and for portraying an ideal version of American culture. 

Norman Perceval Rockwell (1894-1978) was born in NYC. Norman’s father liked sketching while Norman would watch him. And when his father read, Norman would imagine the characters and draw them. 

His mother was often sick and while his father took care of her, Norman was left to fend for himself. He filled the time with sketching. He was good at it and wondered if he could do it for a living.

His teacher noticed his talent and encouraged him to do drawings along his school reports and on the chalk board at school. The other students were impressed by his work and Norman felt appreciated. 

When time came to pick a school, he chose art school. At school, he had very good mentors. The teachers challenged their students with their projects. One of the teacher’s recognized Norman’s talent and encourage him to submit his portfolio to a publishing company. 

He was asked to create illustrations for children’s book. Afterwards, he started acquiring also projects for magazines. 

His illustrations were relatable with reader’s situations. Thus, people loved them. 

On January 6, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the “Four Freedoms” speech. He wanted people to understand that the US had a responsibility to help its allies fight for democracy. 

Norman was excited about relating Four Freedoms in drawings to help Americans understand the importance of this. His paintings of Four Freedoms became so popular; they raised a lot of money for the war effort. 

He remains to be a beloved American artist; an artist who looked inside every day American’s soul and brought the emotions and memories to the surface and presented it in pictures. That’s why his work resonated with people so much. This biography captures the spirit of an artist who knew how to communicate with people through his art.

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 8-12, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts. 

Published in 2019 by Penguin Workshop





·         He had very strict habits

·         He used his talent to enhance his reports and got noticed

·         He had good mentors who challenged him

·         He used his creativity to paint pictures in order to find bridge between words and what they meant

·         His painted words resonated with the people


“When I go to farms or little towns, I am always surprised at the discontent I find.” – Norman Rockwell

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Harry Houdini by Kjartan Poskitt

 This First Names biography series for middle grade brings the greatest magician in the world namely Harry Houdini. 

Ehrich Weisz was born on March 24, 1874 in Budapest, Hungary. He later named himself Harry Houdini. When he was four, the family moved to the US. The family settled in Appleton, Wisconsin. They were always short on money, and due to the financial hardship Harry tried to cheer his mom up from early age. And that’s when he discovered that he liked to entertain people. 

Since he was very athletic, he started practicing acrobatics to entertain people. 

At elven, he got fascinated with locks and figured out how to open them with buttonhook. 

When his father took him to a magician show, Harry knew right away what he wanted to do. He wanted to put people on the edge of their seat. 

When he was fourteen, the family moved to New York. There with a friend, they formed an act and called it the Brothers Houdini. Besides it, Harry picked up any act he could where he also learned valuable skills from other people. 

He constantly worked on new skills to satisfy audience. He figured out a new entertainment to be handcuffed and since he figured out locks as a child it was very easy for him to un-cuff himself. It became a big hit. 

After eight tough years, he got his break when he got an offer to appear in some of the biggest and best theaters in America. His stunts took him to Europe and even Russia. 

He continued to develop new stunts. His success took him into starring in movies. 

He died at fifty-two from health complications. 

This biography exemplifies a man who continuously kept himself busy with training, improving himself, hungry for new tricks, new places to visit and the latest inventions to explore. He became known for his death-defying escapes. His complicated tricks and the secrets turned him into the greatest magician in the world.

This biography series for young readers, 8-12 years, is written with a fun language. Some of the illustrations are in a form of comic book, which carry amusing dialogue.

Published by Harry N. Abrams in 2019






·         He liked cheering his mother up from childhood and that’s when he discovered his talent.

·         He was athletic and combined it with his first talent of entertaining people.

·         When he saw a magician show, he knew right away who he wanted to be. He wanted to put people on the edge of their seat.

·         He picked up any act he could while learning valuable skills from other people.

·         He constantly worked on new skills to satisfy audience.

·         He got his break after 8 years of hard work.

·         He continuously kept himself busy with training, improving himself, hungry for new tricks, new places to visit and the latest inventions to explore.



“My brain is the key that sets me free.” – Harry Houdini

“Keep up your enthusiasm! There is nothing more contagious than exuberant enthusiasm.” – Harry Houdini 

“Never try to fool children, they expect nothing and therefore see everything.” – Harry Houdini

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Who Was Che Guevara? by Ellen Labrecque

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade brings rebellious figure of Che Guevara who was a leader of the Cuban Revolution and became a symbol of youthful rebellion.

Ernesto Guevara (1928-1967) was born in the port city of Rosario, Argentina. From young age, he craved adventure. While in school, he still traveled whenever he had a chance. While traveling, he began to write in his journal every day. 

He still had two semesters of medical school to finish when his friend asked him to join him on a trip on his motorcycle to Venezuela. On this trip, they met people of different backgrounds and saw how they lived. It left a lasting consequence on Ernesto. 

After graduating from medical school, he traveled to Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. 

Then, while in Guatemala, he learned about communist and how the current president of Guatemala was taking the land owned by rich people and corporations, then redistributing it to the poor. Ernesto became passionate about this idea of helping the poor. While on his travels, he met many poor people who worked hard and hardly got paid. 

In Mexico City, he began his work as a doctor. There he met lots of Cubans who began calling him Che meaning friend. Through them, he met Fidel Castro, who told him about Cuba’s situation of being controlled by a small group of wealthy people, and he wanted to overthrow the government. He asked Che for help, and they succeeded. Afterwards, Castro asked Che to help him govern Cuba. 

In 1964, Che spoke at UN in NYC criticizing the US and other countries for taking advantage of the land and the people of the poorer nations. 

After coming back to Cuba, he decided to go to Bolivia which was run by a dictator and to try to overthrow the government. On October 8, 1967, he was captured and killed the following day.

This biography embodies true nature of a man who rebelled against injustice. As a young man, he looked for adventure and found the truth and tragedy of his country. 

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 8-12, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts. 

Published in 2019 by Penguin Workshop


TRENDING INSPIRATION: Take Action When You See Injustice



·         He craved adventure and to see what was beyond what he knew

·         He wrote his experiences in his journal every day

·         He witnessed human injustice and wanted to make a difference

·         He took action in making poor people’s lives better



“Above all, try always to be able to feel deeply any injustice committed against any person in any part of the world. It is the most beautiful quality of a revolutionary.” Che Guevara


“We were…two young men-boys, really-who went looking for adventure and found the truth and tragedy of our homeland.” – Alberto Granado (trip with Che through South America)

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Ferdinand Magellan by Candy Gourlay

 This First Names biography series for middle grade brings one of the greatest explorers of the fifteenth century - Ferdinand Magellan who was the first man to sail around the world.

Ferdinand was born to a noble family in 1480 in Sabrosa, Portugal, among rolling hills with vineyards. When he was about eight his family moved to Porto by the sea where he admired the ships of explorers, and dreamed of being a captain and travel to mysterious places.

After losing both parents in 1490, he was sent to school for Pages in Lisbon. As a page he watched all the explorers approach the king for funds.

In 1493, when he was thirteen, Christopher Columbus received funds from Spain for his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Ferdinand dreamed of exciting travels, but instead he was given a clerical position.

After ten boring years, there was hope on the horizon for Ferdinand when Vasco da Gama traveled beyond the southern tip of Africa to India. King Manuel of Portugal wanted to conquer the new lands for its riches. Twenty two worships were assembled, but he didn’t have enough men. This was Ferdinand’s chance at his dream. As a noble, he couldn’t sign up as a working crew member. He had to sign up as a “gentleman adventurer,” who came for adventure, not money.

Ferdinand distinguished himself and got praised by the captain who promoted him as his assistant. After conquering the west coast of India, they pushed farther east. After conquering Malacca, at thirty-three, after eight years, he returned to Portugal.

Meanwhile, there were some new discoveries in South America, and Ferdinand saw his chance to discover something new. After securing the funds, his expedition took him west, toward southern tip of South America. Afterwards, they persisted west and arrived at Philippines. They were getting close to the Spice Islands, when Ferdinand lost his life in a battle at Mactan Island.

Even though he didn’t actually make it to the Spice Islands, he is still credited to be the first one to circumnavigate the world as his fleet finished the journey.

This biography embodies true nature of an explorer, a man who was curious about the world and craved to discover something new.

This biography series for young readers, 8-12 years, is written with a fun language. Some of the illustrations are in a form of comic book, which carry amusing dialogue.

Published in 2020 by Harry N. Abrams


TRENDING INSPIRATION: Be Observant and Open to New Experiences



·         As a child, he observed ships at port which led him to dream of being a captain in order to travel to mysterious places.

·         As a page at king’s court, he watched all the explorers approach the king for funds.

·         After ten boring years at king’s court, he acted when opportunity presented and signed up for an unknown adventure with Vasco da Gama who was conquering new lands.

·         He distinguished himself quickly and got promoted as captain’s assistant.

·         After returning from his adventure, he signed up for his own expedition. He already knew how to secure funds.

·         He is credited to be the first one to circumnavigate the world.


“I am not afraid of darkness. Real death is preferable to a life without living.” – Vasco da Gama

“Travel teaches us that we have ability to adapt.” – Ferdinand Magellan

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Who Was Christopher Columbus? by Bonnie Bader

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade brings the adventures figure of Christopher Columbus who found the New World and never knew it.

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. Genoa was a busy port on the Mediterranean Sea. With his brother, he loved going to the docks and watching all the ships bringing goods from faraway places. He dreamed of becoming a famous sea captain. 

He started sailing at the age of fifteen. It took him to Lisbon where he opened a business with his brother, making maps. Based on the information gathered from captains at the docs he created maps. At the map store, he heard merchants talking about finding a new route from Europe to Indies. This became his dream.

His dream was also enforced by the stories he read about Marco Polo’s travels from Italy to China, and was fascinated by them. No one from Europe was able to sail east to Indies as the route was too long. They all came back. Thus, he wanted to sail west to Indies, but people laughed at him. So he read book after book to gather as much information as possible. 

Now, he needed the money for his dream adventure. After a few refusals, the king and queen of Spain granted him money. He was already forty-one which was considered old for such voyage. After gathering three ships, crew and supplies, they sailed on August 3, 1492. 

On October 12, 1492, they landed at Bahamas. Within the next few weeks, they explored the islands for gold, but there was very little of it. 

On January 4, 1493, they headed home. Despite the little gold he brought, he was welcomed as a hero. His next three trips turned unsuccessful in finding gold.

Columbus died on May 20, 1506 believing that he found a sea route to the Indies. He didn’t find gold; instead he found a whole new world. 

This biography embodies true nature of an explorer, a man who was curious about the world and craved to discover something new. 

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 7-10, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts. 

Published in 2013 by Penguin Workshop


TRENDING INSPIRATION: It’s Never Too Late to Follow Your Dreams.




·         From childhood, he enjoyed being by the sea and watching ships in the busy port. This led him to his dream of becoming a famous sea captain.

·         He started sailing at the age of fifteen which brought him to another city where he stayed for some time until a better opportunity presented but meanwhile he was making maps from the information gathered from captains.

·         When he heard merchants talking about finding a new route from Europe to Indies. This became his new dream.

·         He read book after book on the subject of those who travelled far including Marco Polo.

·         He knew he had to sail in the opposite direction to the known route at the time even when others laughed at him.

·         After his research, he needed money to fund his expedition. After a few refusals, he was granted the money.

·         He was considered already old for such adventure but he persisted with his dream.

·         He didn’t find gold; instead he found a whole new world.



“Life has more imagination than we carry in our dreams.” – Christopher Columbus


“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Wildflower Emily: A Story About Young Emily Dickinson by Lydia Corry

 Emily Dickinson’s story is written in a very warm and fun way. It’s in a style of comic filled with vivid illustrations, short text and selected poems.

Emily was passionate about botany which she loved exploring in true nature. She did it with her big dog who was supposed to protect her.

When she listened to nature, her second passion woke up within her – poetry.

The story focuses on her early years before she became a recluse. It brings her adventurous and joyful side which truly shines through in this story.

The last pages are in a form of vignettes summarizing the years 1830-1886: how she wrote poetry, made her own books, loved baking, and about her siblings and community.

The target audience for this book is 8-12 years. For proficient readers it will be a breeze, and for those who need more encouragement it will be an enjoyable journey. With simple text and very warm illustrations, the story is presented in a fun way with character that engages and inspires to explore the nature, to be authentic, and to follow one’s heart.

It’s an amazing inspiration for young readers.

Published in October 2014 by Godwin Books 

Source: Godwin Books, MacMillan Publisher



TRENDING INSPIRATION: Listen to the Nature



·         She explored her passion for botany

·         She spent hours in nature to nurture her hunger for natural world

·         When she was one with nature, it woke up another passion inside her which was poetry


“I dwell in possibility.” – Emily Dickinson

“Saying nothing… sometimes says the most.” – Emily Dickinson

“I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.” – Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Who Was Dr. Seuss? by Janet Pascal

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade brings captivating figure of Dr. Seuss who became an illustrator and author and changed children’s books forever. 

Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. He loved to hang around the zoo. He was also known for exaggerating when telling stories. He liked writing jokes for the school paper. At Dartmouth College, he became editor-in-chief as the students loved his stories and drawings. 

After college, he got a job as an illustrator. And later, started writing for Judge magazine. He introduced his strange and playful creatures. He signed the column, “Dr. Seuss.” Doctor because he didn’t get the doctorate degree and disappointed his father.

He became very successful as an illustrator. It led him to illustrating children’s books. And later to also write and illustrate stories. The Cat in the Hat was published in 1957, and became one of his most popular stories. 

With time, in his writings, he touched on subjects of environment and on not taking action when wars broke out in Europe. There was some opposition to it, but he stood up for what he believed in. He was writing for humanity. He received a Pulitzer Prize, which was never given to a children’s book writer before.

In 1990, he published his last book, Oh the Places You’ll Go, describing all the challenges and adventures facing a young person starting out on the road of life. 

He died in 1991, at the age of eighty-seven.

The story illustrates a man who never took himself too seriously, stayed true to his heart, and spoke up when he felt it was right.  

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 7-10, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts. 

Published in 2011 by Penguin Workshop



TRENDING INSPIRATION: Be Child-like (fresh and curious)


(Child-like doesn’t mean childish/immature) 




·         From childhood, he had a natural instinct for telling stories, some of them exaggerated, some with great humor.

·         His love for stories led him to writing and illustrating, and he stayed on the path that felt right for him.

·         He became successful with writing children’s stories which later developed into writing about more serious issues which some of his followers didn’t like, but he stood by what he believed in.

·         He never took himself too seriously, stayed true to his heart, and spoke up when he felt it was right.



“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Who Were the Wright Brothers? by Jim Buckley

 Who Were the Wright Brothers? biography for middle grade brings two fascinating brothers who built and flew the first successful airplane. 

The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, grew up in Dayton, Ohio, in 1880s. From childhood, they enjoyed building kites and other toys. Their parents encouraged them to explore the world around them. They built a toy that looked like a helicopter. It became their dream to build something bigger and to fly it. 

Wilbur’s health problems kept him at home, but he never stopped learning. He kept reading books on history, science, nature, and religion. Orville had his own interests. When he received woodcutting tools, it led him to a business in printing. Wilbur became paper’s editor, and later joined the business. 

In 1892, they each got a bike which was a new popular thing to do. Since their friends knew that they were good at fixing things, they brought their bikes for repair. This gave brothers an idea for a new business. With time, besides repairs, they started making their own bikes. 

While they were building bicycles, there was another race to create a flying machine. Wilbur got into studying aviation. Orville read about birds. They persisted with their research. Then, they started testing their gliders over and over. If something broke, they fixed it and continued. 

The brothers were good at talking through ideas to solve a problem. Once, they got the engine up in the air, they worked on other versions to make it fly faster and farther.

At first no one took them seriously, but when reporters published stories about the Wrights’ success in the air, then people took them seriously. The US Army gave them a contract to produce planes for the US and to train new pilots. 

On May 30, 1912, Wilbur died of typhoid at the age of forty-five. His father said, “he lived a short life, full of consequences.”

After the death of his brother, Orville lost heart for leading the company. He sold it for $1 million and retired. But he never stopped making things. He worked on plumbing and heating systems. He created toys for his nieces and nephews. 

This story shines with brothers’ brilliant ideas, hard work and determination. They never got married, but made their lives very fulfilling.

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 7-10, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts.

Published in 2014 by Penguin Workshop






·         From childhood, they were eager to explore the world around them. They were very curious children and their curiosity was strongly encouraged by the parents.

·         The brothers shared their interest as well as developed their own, and supported each other.

·         They were good at fixing bikes and that gave them an idea for their own business.

·         Whatever sparked their interest, they studied about it to gain knowledge on their own.

·         They were good at talking through ideas to solve a problem.

·         At first, no one took them seriously but that didn’t discourage them from their endeavor.

·         They never stopped being curious or creative.

·         Their hard work and determination led them to success that benefited humanity.  


“Successful people are successful for one simple reason: They see failure differently.” – Seth Godin

"If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance." - Orville Wright

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Who Was Nelson Mandela? by Pam Pollack

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade brings the courageous man – Nelson Mandela – whose African name meant “tree shaker” and that’s what he did when he fought for equal justice for all.

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918. His real name was Rolihlahla. At the time, South Africa was ruled by the British, who took all the rights of African people. Nelson attended school run by Christian missionaries from Europe. It was the teacher at school that gave him a Western name – Nelson Mandela.

At school, he learned English, history and geography, but he learned the most at tribal elders’ meetings. He dreamed of becoming a leader like his foster father. 

His education continued at Fort Hare College where he got new ideas how to govern his country. In Johannesburg, with his law degree, he became active in different organizations, but in 1948 a new system was incorporated – apartheid. 

Nelson led many protests and became known as a protest leader. He led many campaigns. They were all peaceful demonstrations. They never reacted with anger. 

After five months in prison, he realized that their peaceful protests were met with aggression and innocent people died. He changed his tactics. Armed resistance was formed. But someone betrayed him and he was sentenced to life in prison.

The hard labor and deplorable conditions of the prison never broke his spirit. He continued to study law and history when he was allowed access to books, and encouraged other prisoners to study and learn.

The US and other countries took notice of the unjust system put by white South Africans. They put pressure on South African government to release Mandela from prison. Because businesses left South Africa, it made hard for them to survive. 

The new president of South Africa released the prisoners, including Mandela. On February 11, 1990 Mandela stepped out of prison. He was seventy-one. He spent twenty-seven years in prison. Many hoped that he wouldn’t have strength to continue with his work, but he did. 

On May 10, 1991, Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa.

This biography shines light on an inspiring man who stood by what he strongly believed in even if that meant risking his life. 

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 8-11, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts.

Published in 2013 by Penguin Workshop






·         While obtaining formal education, he enjoyed his tribe’s meetings the most where he gained the knowledge that resonated with him the most. – At early age, with his natural instinct, he found his tribe

·         He found his dream of becoming a leader at early age and stayed on this path which always felt right for him. It was a path that would not only benefit him but also the humanity. Something that had a bigger purpose than just himself

·         He became active in community services whenever opportunity arose

·         Even in hard times, he stood by what he believed in which was not easy



“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela


Who Was Gandhi? by Dana Meachen Rau

  Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade introduces Gandhi who was a global icon of peace and freedom, and the champion of an indepe...