Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Jose Speaks Out by Jose Mujica

 On September 24, 2013, Jose Mujica spoke at the UN meeting in NY. At the time, he was the president of Uruguay and was seventy-eight.

In the South, as he puts it, he is known for saying what he thinks. In his country, he’s been very dedicated to social justice and his struggle for equality and freedom. He lives very simply, and his words align with his actions.

On that day, he delivered a powerful speech. He stated that he’d rather stand up for the right thing rather than look for favoritism or applaud.

There is so much junk produced for us to buy, and with all this junk we pollute the planet. Our behaviors are careless. There is so much unnecessary consumption.

His speech is honest, deep and touching. He criticizes the contemporary economy which makes people absorbed by mass consumption and endless accumulation. The constant accumulations of goods make people only attached to paying the bills constantly, which at the end take the freedom away. We have less and less time for contemplation and for experiences. He says, “if everyone consumed like the average person in the United States, we would need three planets to survive.” We became so addicted to consumerism that we don’t know how to be free. The more you have, the less freedom you have.

He also advocates for the inequalities of the world. We need to implement practical rules for a fair economy to end the miserable condition of poverty. “We need to create useful things, without frivolity, to help the world’s poorest. Yes, useful things to end world poverty.”

Our lives became very dependent on consumerism. We need to go back to simplicity, and “together with science, we can find solutions for humanity as a whole, instead of trying to make ourselves wealthier. (…) we make life – not accumulation – the driving force.”

Due to weak international politics, we’re unable to regulate globalization. “We lack organized political leadership, conscious direction and the instinct to lead.”

Hierarchies were abolished and republics established in order to bring equality, but we still hold to old beliefs.

The humankind is capable of achieving equality, but we lack solidarity. We need strong and fair global leadership.

The first part of the book brings the speech at the UN, and the second part features biographical information with historical context pertaining to the speech.

I enjoyed reading the speech and the further information about Jose Mujica who is a former revolutionary, past president and climate activist. His words are honest and cut through to the core of the problem. He gives good examples for solutions but the problem is the lack of true leadership in the world.

This book is intended for middle-grade audience which I’m not sure about if they can grasp this context.  Nevertheless, for the adult audience, I think it is a phenomenal and quick read that is to the point and gives a lot to think about.

Published in April 2024 by Groundwood Books 

Source: Groundwood Books


TRENDING INSPIRATION: Simplicity Means More Freedom



·         He lives very simply, and his words align with his actions

·         He stands up for the right thing rather than look for favoritism or applaud

·         He stands up against the unnecessary mass consumption

·         He speaks up for living simple, thus, having freedom, instead of being chained by debt caused by consumption

·         He advocates for the inequalities of the world which are caused by lack of global leadership

·         He advocates for solidarity in order to achieve equality



“World with a better humanity is possible.” – Jose Mujica 

“Let’s not waste this time on useless things.” – Jose Mujica

“They say that I am a poor president. No, I am not a poor president. Poor are those who have more and yet, do not have enough. Those people are poo, because they get into an endless rat race and do not have time left for life nor anything else.” – Jose Mujica

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