Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Good Life by Pope Francis

 15 Essential Habits for Living with Hope and Joy: 

With his wisdom, Pope Francis puts together fifteen mindsets that allow readers to find hope and meaning in different circumstances. 

With warmth and intelligence, he encourages and inspires to look deep inside us and search for what is truly meaningful in life. 

In this fast-paced and digital world, many of us get disconnected from what is truly important. Our desolation and anguish is our own creation as we no longer have room for others and no place for the poor. But there is meaning in our weaknesses and lessons to be learned from.

In my favorite Chapter 2 – “The Best Part of Life,” he talks about most important lesson – we’re not meant to be a storage of information, but to be wise. It’s not about accumulation of information, but it’s about what you do with that knowledge. 

Mind, heart and hands need to come together. What you think, feel and do together matters. Those three components create the harmony of wisdom. 

He states that we lost this wisdom of living well. That’s why we need to go back to the ancient lesson that is in different religions – “less is more.” 

Accumulation of goods is distracting to heart and gets in a way of cherishing each and every moment. We need to go back to simplicity and appreciating small things. 

Learn to travel through life, don’t wander aimlessly without a destination. Life has a goal.

If you make a mistake, admit it. Learn from it and move on. Take the reins and be in charge of your life. 

“Trivial choices lead to a trivial life; great choices lead to a great life. We become what we choose, for better or for worse.” 

In the following chapters, he explores much more, touching upon living in the present moment, having strong roots, meaningful lives, contributing to society, carrying gratitude and kindness, having face-to-face contact, giving the gift of a smile, speaking a word of encouragement, taking the time to listen, being inquisitive and creative among other subjects. 

“We didn’t come into this world to vegetate. We came into this world to leave a mark.” 

For those who read books on self-help, a lot of subjects will ring a bell. But with Pope Francis’ wisdom and compassion he weaves those mindsets with so much depth and warmth. They fill each fiber of human body. With gentle suggestions and nudges, he mentors how to have a meaningful life filled with purpose and growth.

It’s written in a form of vignettes, capturing the significant passages of life. It’s one of those books that can be read one passage a day, and reread for months and years. It’s a kind of read that lingers and stays with a reader for a long time. 

Published in 2024 by Worthy Books

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Leave a Mark. Life Has a Goal.


·         Search for what is truly meaningful in life

·         There is meaning in our weaknesses and lessons to be learned from

·         It’s not about accumulation of information, but it’s about what you do with it

·         What you think, feel, and do together matters

·         Less is more – ancient lesson

·         Appreciate small things

·         Travel through life with a goal, don’t wander aimlessly

·         Learn from mistakes

·         Be in charge of your life

·         Live in the present moment

·         Have strong roots, be it culture or religion or something else

·         Have face-to-face contact

·         Give the gift of a smile

·         Speak a word of encouragement

·         Take the time to listen

·         Be inquisitive and creative

·         Don’t vegetate, leave a mark

"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." - Lao Tzu

"Trivial choices lead to a trivial life; great choices lead to a great life." - Pope Francis

“We didn’t come into this world to vegetate. We came into this world to leave a mark.” - Pope Francis

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