This biography series for Young Readers, ages 6-9, brings an inspiring character – Fannie Lou Hamer – who dedicated her life to civil rights movement. She is an inspirational symbol of strength and persistence.
Fannie Lou grew up during segregation in the
US. She also grew up in a large family. She was the youngest of twenty
siblings. Thus, she learned how to speak up for herself early on.
Fannie loved going to school and learning, but
she also had to help her parents pick cotton. Thus, during the summer time, she
worked in the fields and during the winter time, she went to school. While at
school, the division between white and “colored” was the first injustice she
experienced. But at thirteen, she had to help her aging parents full time, and
stopped going to school at all.
In 1944, she got married and with her husband
continued to work as sharecroppers. Fannie was the timekeeper as she was the
only worker who could read and write. Soon, she noticed that the plantation
owner was paying less than what the time card showed. That was another
injustice she recognized.
In 1961, she went to hospital to have a surgery
and the doctors removed an organ without her permission. That was another
injustice she experienced.
In 1962, she learned about the right to vote,
but it was very challenging for black people. She became active in helping
black people register. Later, joining an activist group and becoming its
leader, speaking up or even singing at the meetings.
She became known for her powerful songs, strong
faith, and leadership.
Her protest with other activists put her in
jail in 1963 where she was beaten and mistreated. She lost some of her eyesight
and had other health issues after the beating. But she didn’t give up.
She continued to fight for equal voting rights
in Mississippi.
She shared her efforts with Malcolm X and
Martin Luther King Jr.
There were many people who supported her
activism, but others thought she was not educated enough to lead a movement.
This didn’t stop her as she knew how to connect with people. She used her
Southern style of storytelling, singing, and even comedy to fight for voting
This biography brings truly an inspiring
character who wasn’t held back by anything as she knew how to connect with a
large number of people. She understood their problems as she shared the same
problems and injustices. Her life was dedicated to making her state a fair
state for all. She became an important voice for equality and justice.
The book is divided into short chapters and
written with simple language to make it accessible for young readers. The
issues and what Fannie stood up for are presented in accessible way for the
target audience.
Published in January 2025 by Callisto Kids
Source: Sourcebooks
TRENDING INSPIRATION: Know How to Connect with People - today's humanity is lacking it. Despite lack of education she achieved great things because she knew how to connect with people.
· She grew up in poverty and faced inequality all
her life. This caused her to fight for the right of others. – Her adversity
strengthened her determination.
· She concentrated on her community (state of
Mississippi) to improve the lives of the people.
· She encouraged her friends, family, and
neighbors to use their voices to elect people who would treat them fairly.
· Her strong faith helped her when people treated
her unfairly.
· She kept fighting for fair treatment until she
· Her lack of education didn’t hold her back as
she knew how to connect with people.
“You don’t run away from problems – you just
face them.” – Fannie Lou Hamer
“I feel sorry for anybody that could let hate
wrap them up.” – Fannie Lou Hamer
“Never to forget where we came from and always
praise the bridges that carried us over.” – Fannie Lou Hamer