Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Who Was Gandhi? by Dana Meachen Rau

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade introduces Gandhi who was a global icon of peace and freedom, and the champion of an independent India.

Mohandas Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, India. His father was a political leader. At school, he was average and very shy. The books were his sole companions. 

After high school, he tried college, but found no interest in the lectures. A friend suggested studying law in England which was easier than in India. He spent three years in England, where he obtained law and in his loneliness learned a lot about himself. It set him on the path as a spiritual and political leader. 

Back in India, he was still too shy to lead cases in court, but then an opportunity came to work in South Africa. On his way there, he was mistreated only because he was Indian. In this injustice, he found his voice which led him to public speaking and fighting for equal rights. But he always used a peaceful way to stand up against unfairness. 

After twenty-one years in South Africa, he returned to India. During this time, he transformed from a shy, young lawyer to a well-known leader. In India, he wanted to change how the lowest caste, called untouchables, was treated. He met with some opposition, but he persisted. He cared for poor people by opening schools and giving advice to farmers.

He spent some time in prison for urging others to resist British laws. As soon as he was out, he continued his work. He united the Indian people and spoke out in support of an independent India.

On August 15, 1947, India became independent, but clashes between religious groups continued. During his lifetime, Gandhi went on many hunger strikes in order to unite people. Even after achieving country’s independence, he still had to go on those hunger strikes.

This biography demonstrates a man who was so shy that he was forced to face unjust event in order to find his voice. And in his loneliness, he found spiritual meaning in life. 

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 8-12, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts.

Published in 2014 by Penguin Workshop



TRENDING INSPIRATION: Stand Up for Peace and Freedom



·         At school, he was average and very shy. What brought him comfort were books.

·         In his loneliness during the college years, he learned a lot about himself. It set him on the path as a spiritual and political leader.

·         As a lawyer, he was too shy to lead cases in court, but found his voice when he was mistreated in South Africa for being Indian. It led him to public speaking and fighting for equal rights.

·         When he returned to India, he led to make a change how the lowest caste, called untouchables, was treated.

·         He spent some time in prison and went on hunger strikes fighting for causes he believed in.


“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi 

This Aesop saying summarizes Gandhi well, “It’s better to be renowned and in poor garments than to live without honor in rich attire.”


·         Accepting all people – accepting all as they are, without trying to change them

·         Refusing any limitations – we put limitations on ourselves because of the external world influencing us, but internally we’re responsible for limiting ourselves

 Mind Shift by Erwin Raphael McManus explores the power of mind and the mind sets that we need to understand in order to thrive in our lives. What we wish for is what we need to become first. If we crave adventure, then we need to get on the road and then we’ll meet the like-minded people.

There are some limitations that we put on ourselves or others put on us. We need to break the shackles of such limitations and take responsibility for our actions.


If you’re not up for reading, then maybe listening:

There are many podcasters offering interviews with Erwin McManus. One of them is by Lewis Howes, host of The School of Greatness.


Who Was Gandhi? by Dana Meachen Rau

  Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade introduces Gandhi who was a global icon of peace and freedom, and the champion of an indepe...