Tuesday, March 26, 2024

What the Ermine Saw by Eden Collinsworth

The Extraordinary Journey of Leonardo da Vinci's Most Mysterious Portrait explores the journey of his painting - Lady with an Ermine – which was bought by Czartoryski family. Thus, in large part, this story introduces Izabela Czartoryska who founded the first Polish museum and how she became the owner of this painting.

Lady with an Ermine was painted in 1490 and that it is most likely a portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, who was a mistress of Ludovico Sforza of Milan. He was a patron of arts and commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to paint Cecilia, and also the Last Supper.

What is so special about this painting? It’s the dynamics that he captured, not just a face of a woman, but someone who was captured in a moment of turning. The ermine was most likely added as a second draft and symbolizes pregnancy and childbirth. It’s not clear if she was pregnant at the time with Ludovico’s child.

In 1491, Lady with an Ermine was in Cecilia’s possession when she left Ludovico’s palace.

Then, the trace of the painting disappears for 250 years.

In 1800, Adam Czartoryski, Polish noble, while in Italy purchased Lady with an Ermine for his mother, Izabela – an art collector.

The first part of the book offers the stories of people who were involved first with creating the painting and later owning it. The second part of the book offers the journey of the painting. Thus, weaving the story of Izabela Czartoryska.

She came from one of the most influential families in Poland. Being of noble blood and truly seeing the poverty around her was a rarity in her spheres. She knew that handing out a few coins to beggars wouldn’t solve the problem. Throughout her life, she searched for a solution, and later found it in education.

She was a great patriot, who deeply cared for her country and fought for its independence. When Poland was partitioned by Prussia, Austria, and Russia, it gave her fuel to preserve Polish culture and language. That’s when the idea of starting the first museum came to her mind. Next, she started schools for peasants. Due to lack of books for school, she wrote them herself. She was a phenomenal dynamo, who cared about her country and humanity.

She was full of energy and whatever she did she did it with passion.

Published in 2022 by Doubleday

Source: Doubleday

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Whatever You Do, Do It With Passion


·         She shaped her own ideas by listening what others had to say

·         She recognized mentorship which came in different forms

·         She was open to ideas that came her way

·         She searched for solutions rather than surrounded to problems

·         Her misfortunes strengthened her determination

·         She followed her passions which had many branches but some of them grew sturdier and led her to something greater

·         Life is a journey which doesn’t end with achieving one goal. It’s a continuous journey of setting new goals.

·         She was full of passion and energy


 " Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt

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