Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Who Was Michelangelo? by Kirsten Anderson

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade brings Renaissance artist - Michelangelo who was a talented painter, sculptor, and poet.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564) was born in Caprese, Italy. 

From childhood, he enjoyed drawing and he did it against his father’s wishes. Since there was no stopping him from his art, the father agreed for Michelangelo to be apprenticed at thirteen. Soon after, his sculpturing talent was discovered by Lorenzo de’Medici.

Living at Medici’s palace, he was surrounded by philosophers, writers and other artists. He absorbed their knowledge.

At a hospital belonging to church, he asked if he could dissect bodies that weren’t claimed by families. He was allowed to do it. This helped him to make his sketches and sculptures more realistic.

When he heard that a large block of marble at the office of Works of Florence cathedral was available for a sculpture to use, he presented his project to carve the figure of David. He was chosen to do the project and the sculpture carved by him was awe-inspiring. 

For a few years, he travelled between two cities, working on chapel and library in Florence and statues in Rome. 

His last years were spent in Rome where he worked on the Last Judgement wall fresco, and other projects.

This biography illustrates a man who despite being beat by his father and brothers when caught drawing, he just couldn’t stop himself from following his talent. Whenever opportunity presented to learn something to improve his skill, he always grabbed it. His talent was undeniable; he had high standards and high expectations from himself, this also led to some conflicts. He was known to be difficult and bad-tempered. 

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 8-12, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts. 

Published in 2022 by Penguin Workshop


TRENDING INSPIRATION: “I am still learning.”



·         Even when he was punished as a child for drawing when told not to, he just couldn’t stop from following the talent that was given him

·         He used presented surroundings to learn something from them

·         He asked to dissect unclaimed bodies in order to learn anatomy

·         When opportunity presented to prove his talent, he presented his project in order to receive the commission 



“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo 

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” – Michelangelo

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