Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Stroll with Mr. Gaudi by Pau Estrada

 This biography brings a fascinating character namely Antoni Gaudi, one of the most renowned architects.

Antoni Gaudi i Cornet (1852-1926) was born in a coastal city south of Barcelona. He was a good student but he said that nature was his best teacher. At school, he quickly distinguished himself with his original designs. The dean of the faculty of architecture said: “I don’t know if we have before us a genius or a madman.”

Shortly after beginning his professional career, he received an offer to continue the work of a church – the Sagrada Familia. The project is still under construction many years after his death. He created many other structures as well as furniture and interiors.

He never married and had no interest in fame or fortune. His life was dedicated to his work. He was said to be stubborn but he was considerate to his collaborators and workers. He always encouraged them to do their best.

In 1878, Gaudi met Eusebi Guell, a young entrepreneur and the son of one of the richest families in Spain. Guell became Gaudi’s patron and friend.

The story of Gaudi illustrates a man who believed in his creations even when no one else did. People complained about curved walls and ceilings which were unpractical. They couldn’t furnish such place or hang a picture. Guell respected Gaudi’s architecture but he himself wasn’t sure if he liked this strange architecture. It seems as all others felt the same way, they respected Gaudi but didn’t truly like his creations during his lifetime. Now, his architecture is a major attraction of Barcelona.

Guell commissioned Gaudi to design Park Guell which was supposed to be a garden city. This residential estate to be was a failure. Later, the park was donated to the city, and became a big success.

Gaudi was unconventional with his projects which he didn’t sketch on paper. He related it with three dimensional structures. He would often change his project on the spur of the moment.

This story also portrays a man who didn’t care about his own exterior appearance but had deep appreciation for interior and exterior of buildings. When he strolled the streets of Barcelona, deep in his thought, some people moved away from him as they thought he might be a beggar.

He was careless with other things, too. When he rushed from one place to another while crossing the streets, he didn’t pay attention to his surroundings. He died after being run over by a tram.

This touching story demonstrates a man who was authentic and stood by what he believed in even when others didn’t. It’s puzzling and intriguing to think that he was careless with his own appearance but very detail-oriented when it came to his creations. Nevertheless, he is certainly someone to admire. He created one of the most amazing if not the most amazing architecture ever.

The audience for this book is 6 years old and up.

Published in 2013 by Editorial Juventud





·         Nature was his greatest teacher

·         He was said to be stubborn but at the same time considerate with his collaborators which is possible

·         He encouraged others to do their best

·         His architecture was seen as strange during his lifetime; despite that he still believed in it and dedicated his life to his unique work

·         He continuously improved his designs even while they were built



“No wealth can ever make a bad man at peace with himself.” – Plato

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill


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