Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Who Was Salvador Dali? by Paula K. Manzanero

 Who Was ...? biography series for middle grade brings the flamboyant figure of Salvador Dali who was an influential surrealist artist, a fashionable man known for his iconic mustache and unique sense of style.

Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain, close to French border. He didn’t have interest in school. Instead, he daydreamed of creating something artistic. He dressed in blue sailor suits to school. From young age, he liked being different and creating his own image.

When he was eight, his family moved to a big house where Salvador created his art studio in the attic. A family friend Ramon Pichot, an impressionist painter, became his mentor.

In 1922, he began Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. Salvador experimented with different styles. Yet, he had a great appreciation for the old masters. He spent a lot of time at Prado Museum, studying the paintings.

Steadily his work became recognized. After an exhibit in the US, he became very popular in New York.

Salvador continued to experiment with his art style, and never stopped learning the art history. In Italy, he studied the great masters of Renaissance.

At the age of thirty-four, he became one of the wealthiest painters in the world.

When WWII broke out, he moved to the US for eight years. After the war, he returned to Spain. By then, he already parted with surrealism. Then, his paintings became more spiritual and religious. He also became interested in science and history, and began painting large paintings of historical scenes.

In early 1960s, Salvador along with Pablo Picasso were the best known painters in the world. “His quest to be different allowed him to become one of the most recognizable people in the world – and one of the greatest artists of all time.”

This biography exemplifies a man who never stopped learning his own art, continuously experimented, and evolved as an artist with his unique style and personification.

This illustrated biography series for young readers, ages 8-12, is presented in a relatable way, with simple sentences and enriched with insightful inserts.

Published in 2023 by Penguin Workshop

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Be Creative and Never Stop Learning


·         Be unique

·         Be creative

·         Search for mentors to help you better yourself

·         Despite his artistic talent and new approach, he studied old masters

·         Never stop learning

·         Continue to experiment in your creativity

"Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you anywhere." - Albert Einstein

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