Friday, January 26, 2024

Francis Scott Key: God's Courageous Composer by David R. Collins

 The Sowers biography series is for middle grade.

Francis Scott Key wrote the American National Anthem while prisoner aboard ship on the Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812.

Born August 9, 1779 in Maryland on family plantation where they owned slaves. As a boy and a grown single man he is a bit lost in his life. Once married, his wife has a good influence on him. He becomes more engaged in reading and writing poetry, studying theology and ethics.

In 1814, on board the Minden, he stands and prays surrounded by hostile sailors. After the night of the Fort McHenry attack, at dawn, seeing American flag still flying over the fort, he becomes inspired. He writes a poem, which captures all the feeling of the night and morning. It becomes a popular song, printed in newspapers and periodicals, with the title The Star Spangled Banner.

This biography reads more like a novel. It is written by a talented writer in the first person with dialogue. 

The illustrations are black and white, which I find most appealing for this age group.

Published: 1982 by Mott Media

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Acting on inspiration.


·         With good influence, he became engaged in reading and writing poetry, studying theology and ethics

·         When he saw an inspiration, he acted on it by using his previous studies to write a poem

·         His poem filled with passion became a popular song

"Every man I meet is my superior in some way." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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