Thursday, January 25, 2024

Neil Armstrong by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

 I’m trying to introduce my nephew to biographies and why their stories are important and what we can learn from them. I’m glad that he knew who Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) was and still learned some new facts about him from this story.

As a little boy, after seeing Cleveland Air Race, Neil wanted to become a pilot. At 16, he got a license to fly. He studied aeronautical engineering. After graduating, he became a hotshot test pilot. When NASA was looking for astronauts for its first spacecraft mission, he applied. He was part of the team, who launched Apollo II mission to the moon. With his left foot on the lunar space, he became the first person on the moon. “Impossible can become reality with one small step.”

This story brings a great lesson for young children. Throughout his journey, there were some obstacles, but he found solutions to propel himself forward. It teaches them that with small steps you can make a difference, and to never give up.

Illustrations are interesting, supporting the text. The sentences are simple and to the point making it a quick and engaging read.

Published in 2022 by Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Source: Frances Lincoln Children’s Books

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Take Small Steps to Solve Big Problems

Obstacle is not to stop from achieving a goal. It’s to test one how to handle it. With small steps big problems can be solved. 


·         When he saw an air race, he found his purpose in life - to become a pilot

·         He followed the steps to become a pilot; he got the license

·         His passion led him even further to study aeronautical engineering

·         When opportunity presented to become an astronaut for NASA, he accepted it

·         His path had many obstacles, he took small steps in finding solutions and propelled himself forward

·         With small steps, he made big progress over time

·         Never give up


“Impossible can become reality with one small step.” – Neil Armstrong

“Research is creating new knowledge.” – Neil Armstrong


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