Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sigmund Freud by Kathleen Krull

 This biography for middle-grade, part of Giants of Science series, brings a figure of Sigmund Freud, a man who was ahead of his time with his ideas. 

When Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is four, his family moves from Freiberg to Vienna, Austria. At school, he is an eager student. Each month he buys a new book and adds to his library. He is inspired by great leaders he reads about. When attending the World Exhibition in Vienna bursting in science and technology, he gets inspired and sees a future in science.

In 1859, when Charles Darwin publishes his book On the Origin of Species, he rocks the world with his controversial theories. But Freud foresees advancement and decides to study medicine. He is fascinated with bacteriology. He enjoys observation over microscope. He becomes interested in curing serious diseases. He is appalled by mistreatment of mentally ill patients.

When he falls in love, he realizes that he can’t provide for a woman. The microscope research doesn’t pay much. He searches for something revolutionary. He tries experimenting with cocaine. He hopes for a breakthrough in his research. But the addictive side of the drug makes him look suspicious. He drops this research.

At thirty, he opens his own office to treat patients with mental illness as this is something that interests him.

It’s fascinating to see how understanding the brain has progressed over one hundred years. Some of the past methods to treat the mental patients were simply barbaric.

There is a lot of information here which is explained in the most possible simple way, but some of it may still be hard to grasp by young readers.

This biography is mostly focused on his work. It would be nice to get to know him more on personal level; how his childhood shaped him and how he was with his own children. 

Overall, it is written interestingly and has a good flow.

Published in 2006 by Viking

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Get inspired by great people who make a difference by learning their stories.


·         Read about people who inspire you

·         Be an eager student in whatever interest you

·         Be active and look around for inspiration

·         Whatever you do, do it with passion


"The quality of your life, depends on the quality of your mind." - Sam Harris

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” – Sigmund Freud


“Being entirely honest with oneself is a good experience.” – Sigmund Freud


“Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.” – Sigmund Freud


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