Friday, February 2, 2024

Sally Ride by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

 This motivating biography series for children (4-7 years) brings the inspiring figure of Sally Ride (1951-2012), an American astronaut who was passionate about science.

Sally’s story shows how important and impactful parents’ support and encouragement is. Sally and her sister were encouraged to reach for the stars. From childhood, she was fascinated with science and good at playing tennis. Tennis helped her in getting scholarship for studying science.

When NASA announced astronaut position, more than 8,000 people applied. Only 35 were accepted, among them Sally. Later, she was chosen to join the space shuttle Challenger crew. Thus, making her the first American woman to explore space.

After 9 years in NASA, she became a physics professor. And later, started her own company and wrote books for young minds, inspiring children to get excited about science.

This story is a wonderful inspiration for children to reach for the stars and to not be afraid of science. It is accompanied by delightful illustrations, and presented in easy to understand way for target audience.

Published in 2024 by Frances Lincoln Children’s Books

Source: Frances Lincoln Children’s Books



·         From childhood, she was fascinated with science

·         She was good at tennis which earned her scholarship for studying science

·         She studied hard and was one of 35 astronauts out of 8,000 who were chosen for NASA position

·         Her outstanding abilities made her stand out and she was chosen to join the space shuttle crew; thus, becoming the first American woman in space

·         She wrote books for young readers to excite them about science


"All big things come from small beginnings." - James Clear

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