Friday, February 2, 2024

The Story of Sojourner Truth: A Biography Book for New Readers by Anita Crawford Clark

 This biography series for children, 6-9 years, brings a trailblazing woman - Sojourner Truth – who turned her hard experience into positive action. Born as enslaved, she spoke out against slavery as a free person, and her fight for women’s rights sparked the actions of other women.

She was born as Isabella Baumfree around 1797, in New York. Belle as many other enslaved people was sold a few times and experienced mistreatment. What helped her through those hard times were the lessons her mother gave her, to ask God for guidance. When New York State established emancipation law in 1827, Belle became a free woman, and found her calling in sharing God’s word. She began teaching and preaching in New York poorest neighborhoods. Her preaching spread to Northeast, where she spoke out against slavery. She met some abolitionist leaders, with whom she didn’t always agree, but they respected each other. She continued her work until the very end of her life, which also included fight for women’s rights.

This story of Sojourner Truth brings powerful lessons for young minds. It shows challenges that life brings along the way and it’s about how one handles them. It shows that those challenges didn’t stop Sojourner from achieving great things. It shows how empowering it is to believe in something to guide one in hard times. It shows how important it is to respect another person even if you disagree. Thus, you can still achieve great things for humanity together.

This chapter book is presented in a simple and explanatory form. A word that would need explaining is defined within the story, as this biography series is meant to be read by young readers on their own. It is well-done, however, I’d say that it’s fit more for the 9 year old's rather than 6.

Published in January 2024 by Callisto Kids

Source: Sourcebooks

TRENDING INSPIRATION: Collaborate with others to find solutions for the benefit of humanity.  



·         Turn adversity into positive action

·         Fight for what you believe in that serves humanity

·         Ask for guidance

·         Find your calling

·         Respect others even if you don’t agree with them

·         Collaborate for benefit of others

·         Find solutions rather than disagree

·         Life will always bring some challenges and it’s all about how you handle them


"When you are the author of your own fate, you don't want to write a tragedy." - Chris Hadifeld

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