Thursday, February 1, 2024

Trailblazers: Harriet Tubman: A Journey to Freedom by Sandra Agard

 This Trailblazers biography series for middle grade (8-10 years) brings an incredible role model who with her achievement inspires to take positive action to tackle the problems that surround us.

Harriet Tubman, born around 1820 as Araminta Ross on a plantation in Maryland, is good at working outdoors. She is hired to work alongside her father, who teaches her about the natural world. The skills that would come very useful once on the run. While working in the field, her path crosses with Quaker woman who is driving by with her wagon. They speak briefly every time they see each other, not to draw attention to them. When Harriet decides to take a chance at freedom, she takes a risk and stops at Quaker woman’s house at night. It turns out to be one of the houses on the Underground Railroad.

In Philadelphia, she quickly becomes a conductor of the Underground Railroad, helping others to escape farther north. During the Civil War, she becomes a nurse, tracker, and a spy. After the Civil War, she becomes women’s rights activist, and remains the strong supporter until her death.

This inspiring story of a very courageous and determined woman offers incredible role model, who despite having all odds against her, achieves unachievable with her drive and imagination.

The story of Harriet is engaging and has a good flow. The book is filled with inserts which explain many terms including slavery and what it involved, how enslaved people communicated between themselves through songs. It is a very informative and impressive story.

Published in 2019 by Random House Books for Young Readers



·         Take a chance at something that might give you freedom

·         Learn every possible skill to help you achieve your goal

·         Take action in something you believe in

·         Remain active

·         Have courage and determination

·         Be driven

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

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